Be prepared to help when every minute counts

Medical emergencies can become deadly in a matter of minutes and a victim's best chance of survival depends on early bystander intervention. Having the right equipment with real-time instructions means bystanders can provide lifesaving care before EMS arrives. Watch our informative video "Time Is of the Essence" to learn how the ResQSystem™ solution can help.

With the ResQSystem, you have the equipment and guidance you need to manage a variety of medical emergencies. You also have support and service to ensure equipment and responders are ready to help save lives.

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and Mobilize™ trauma kits provide real-time, step-by-step instructions to support responders throughout the rescue — regardless of their level of training. Learn more about each of these products:

With a ZOLL ResQSystem solution, you can have peace of mind that you'll be ready to help during those first critical minutes of a cardiac or medical emergency. Anything can happen. Anyone can help.

For additional educational articles, survivors’ stories, information on safety equipment legislation, and more, visit our Resources page.